School Libraries, Make or Die? "Activity for kids - Active Ageing Carnival 2010 with Public Libraries" by ArtistIvanChew is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Blog Post by Tina Taggert There is a trend of adding makerspaces into school libraries. The question is: Is this merely a fad or is it necessary for school library survival? School librarians traditionally have ben primary collaborators with classroom teachers. However, this has been in decline as we moved toward teaching in our specialties, which has led to teaching in isolation. Having a basic understanding of what a makerspace is would help in understanding the problems facing library usage and may act as a conduit between libraries and classroom teachers. "Makerspaces take many forms but generally involve a physical space with shared resources to pursue technical projects of personal interest with the support of the maker community "(Oliver, 2016). Other sources define makerspaces as the "new ...