Computational Thinking, The Humanities, and Gender Can integrating computational thinking into the humanities close the technology gender gap? “Sphero” by M. Norwood Alone in my classroom, I stared at the clear, round robot glowing bright blue on my desk. The Sphero, a robotic tool that can be used to teach programming, was donated to my classroom, much to my excitement. After a few hours of plugging away at the programming options on the Sphero Edu App , I managed to manipulate the robot using the draw, blocks, and javascript programming options. It’s not difficult, it’s just a path of learning that I was not as interested in pursuing until recently. Before I start to congratulate myself on my work with the Sphero, I realize I am a technology statistic. Nationwide, there is a lack of women in Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers. My current career choice as that of a Social Studies teacher seeks to broaden my students understanding ...